Location:Crowley Center, St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo
The Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration is a very special event for all couples celebrating 25, 40 and 50+ years of marriage...
La Celebración Diocesana del Aniversario de Bodas es un evento muy especial para todas las parejas que celebran 25, 40 y 50+ años de matrimonio...
If you or someone you know is celebrating 25, 40 or 50+ years of marriage anytime in 2024, we invite you to let your parish know, and fill out the form to the right (or below if on mobile), or mail us your information to receive a personal congratulatory certificate from Bishop Lohse.
DATE/FECHA: Sunday, November 3, 2024
LOCATION: St. Augustine Cathedral (Mass) and Crowley Center (reception)
TIME/HORA: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Contact your parish or complete the form here to be included. Questions/Preguntas: contact Socorro at struchan@diokzoo.org or phone: 269-349-8714